Hi, I'm Lars

Hi, I'm Lars

I'm a storyteller & visual creative with a big love for nature, adventure, the exploration of consciousness and the depth of the human experience.

My journey into visual storytelling originated from my passion for downhill mountain biking, and later evolved again through my own quest for spiritual growth, which together have given me a unique skillset and perspective for creative expressions.

I see it as my mission to move others to live
a more free, connected and joyful life.

Want to know more of the story?

Scroll on to find out.

I'm a storyteller & visual creative with a big love for nature, adventure, the exploration of consciousness and the depth of the human experience.

My journey into visual storytelling originated from my passion for downhill mountain biking, and later evolved again through my own quest for spiritual growth, which together have given me a unique skillset and perspective for creative expressions.

I see it as my mission to move others to live
a more free, connected and joyful life.

Want to know more of the story?

Scroll on to find out.

I'm a storyteller & visual creative with a big love for nature, adventure, the exploration of consciousness and the depth of the human experience.

My journey properly started through my passion for action sports and later evolved again through my own quest for spiritual growth, which together have given me a unique skillset and perspective for creative expressions.

I see it as my mission to move others to live a more free, connected and joyful life.

Want to know more of the story?

Scroll on to find out.

Portrait Lars Veenstra by Tom Bergman
Portrait Lars Veenstra by Tom Bergman

My story

My story

My story

  • 1997 - My first camera

    As a kid I was already playing with toy cameras. I grew up with a dad who loved to film and photograph our family adventures and when my sister and I were given his old camera I just loved it. Experiencing the magic of a camera would change the way I look at the world forever.

  • 2007 - Documenting my mountain bike adventures

    My dream of becoming a professional downhill mountain biker made me pick up a video camera and film all my races and adventures. The short clips I shared online got millions of views and even landed me sponsor deals, introducing me to the massive impact of online videos.

  • 2012 - Starting a business

    I never went pro but my mountain bike videos did catch the attention of brands and business owners around me and I started to get my first real video clients. Inspired by the possibilities I registered my first business, got to work and never looked back.

  • 2014 - All kinds of experiments

    Wanting to break out of cycling videos, I took on all kinds of projects. I toured with a cover band, made product videos and brand films, had my go at landscape and travel photography, and much more. I learned a lot and started to develop my own style.

  • 2015 - Discovering storytelling & going viral

    All the experimenting lead me to storytelling and its power to really draw in the viewer and create something special. I made my first self-narrated short film Thank You, Bicycle which went viral online, gathering over 1.3 million views and screenings at film festivals worldwide.

  • 2016 - Course correction

    I crashed into a tree at high speed on a mountain bike trip, resulting in a 3-day coma and 18 days in the hospital. Luckily I made a full recovery, and in those vulnerable moments I learned an big lesson: chasing thrills is fun, but what truly matters in life is the people you spend it with.

  • 2018 - Bigger projects & campaigns

    Following the focus on storytelling and a bigger understanding of brand's needs I started to work on year-long campaigns and documentary series for YouTube. Red Bull NL also asked me to be their in-house editor, giving me valuable insight into the strategy of the biggest brand in action sports.

    photo by Jarno Schurgers

  • 2020 - Spiritual awakening

    Like for many, the pandemic lockdown cost me a lot of work, but it also gave a lot of time, which in hindsight was a blessing. Through meditation, research and regular men's gatherings I discovered a whole new dimension to life. More love, more connection, more ease.

  • 2022 - Deeper layers, teaching & more purpose

    A bigger sense of feeling Life awakened an urge in me to create more depth in my work and creativity. I picked up my first instrument, took on more spiritual film projects, build an online storytelling course and started sharing my filmmaking experience at schools and colleges.

  • 2023 - Facilitating men's work

    After a few years of attending men's gatherings and completing a facilitator's course, I started leading regular groups myself. Compared to film, it's a whole new way of working with people's stories, but in the end there's also an underlying thread: to live more from the heart.

  • 2024 - Expressing my own voice

    More and more I feel the need to express myself creatively. I commit to passion projects and personal short films, speaking in the business space on the power of stories and following your heart, and start my own podcast.

    photo by Leon Vermij

  • 1997 - My first camera

    As a kid I was already playing with toy cameras. I grew up with a dad who loved to film and photograph our family adventures and when my sister and I were given his old camera I just loved it. Experiencing the magic of a camera would change the way I look at the world forever.

  • 2007 - Documenting my mountain bike adventures

    My dream of becoming a professional downhill mountain biker made me pick up a video camera and film all my races and adventures. The short clips I shared online got millions of views and even landed me sponsor deals, introducing me to the massive impact of online videos.

  • 2012 - Starting a business

    I never went pro but my mountain bike videos did catch the attention of brands and business owners around me and I started to get my first real video clients. Inspired by the possibilities I registered my first business, got to work and never looked back.

  • 2014 - All kinds of experiments

    Wanting to break out of cycling videos, I took on all kinds of projects. I toured with a cover band, made product videos and brand films, had my go at landscape and travel photography, and much more. I learned a lot and started to develop my own style.

  • 2015 - Discovering storytelling & going viral

    All the experimenting lead me to storytelling and its power to really draw in the viewer and create something special. I made my first self-narrated short film Thank You, Bicycle which went viral online, gathering over 1.3 million views and screenings at film festivals worldwide.

  • 2016 - Course correction

    I crashed into a tree at high speed on a mountain bike trip, resulting in a 3-day coma and 18 days in the hospital. Luckily I made a full recovery, and in those vulnerable moments I learned an big lesson: chasing thrills is fun, but what truly matters in life is the people you spend it with.

  • 2018 - Bigger projects & campaigns

    Following the focus on storytelling and a bigger understanding of brand's needs I started to work on year-long campaigns and documentary series for YouTube. Red Bull NL also asked me to be their in-house editor, giving me valuable insight into the strategy of the biggest brand in action sports.

    photo by Jarno Schurgers

  • 2020 - Spiritual awakening

    Like for many, the pandemic lockdown cost me a lot of work, but it also gave a lot of time, which in hindsight was a blessing. Through meditation, research and regular men's gatherings I discovered a whole new dimension to life. More love, more connection, more ease.

  • 2022 - Deeper layers, teaching & more purpose

    A bigger sense of feeling Life awakened an urge in me to create more depth in my work and creativity. I picked up my first instrument, took on more spiritual film projects, build an online storytelling course and started sharing my filmmaking experience at schools and colleges.

  • 2023 - Facilitating men's work

    After a few years of attending men's gatherings and completing a facilitator's course, I started leading regular groups myself. Compared to film, it's a whole new way of working with people's stories, but in the end there's also an underlying thread: to live more from the heart.

  • 2024 - Expressing my own voice

    More and more I feel the need to express myself creatively. I commit to passion projects and personal short films, speaking in the business space on the power of stories and following your heart, and start my own podcast.

    photo by Leon Vermij

Stripping away layers
to uncover what's within

Stripping away layers
to uncover what's within

Through both my personal life and my work as a visual storyteller I’ve come to feel the importance - or magic even - of authenticity and heart-led living. But for many of us, this way of being isn't easily accessible. It's often hidden under many layers of habits and conditioning.

To see those layers for what they are and then go beyond them is my superpower. Whether getting to the core of a story or helping you see yourself and the world more clearly, I strip away layers to uncover what's within.

That's the thread that is woven through all my work.
I want to move others to live more fully. To experience magic.
To be more free, more connected and more whole.

That's what I'm here to do.

Through both my personal life and my work as a visual storyteller I’ve come to understand the importance of authenticity and heart-led living. But for many of us, this way of being isn't easily accessible. It's often buried under many layers of habits and conditioning.

To see those layers for what they are and then go beyond them is my superpower. Wether getting to the core of a story or helping you see yourself and the world more clearly, I strip away layers to uncover what's within.

That's the thread that is woven through all my work.
I want to move others to live more fully. To experience magic.
To be more free, more connected and more whole.

That's what I'm here to do.

Stripping away layers
to uncover what's within

Through both my personal life and my work as a visual storyteller I’ve come to understand the importance of authenticity and heart-led living. But for many of us, this way of being isn't easily accessible. It's often buried under many layers of habits and conditioning.

To see those layers for what they are and then go beyond them is my superpower. Wether getting to the core of a story or helping you see yourself and the world more clearly, I strip away layers to uncover what's within.

That's the thread that is woven through all my work.

I want to move others to live more fully.
To experience magic. To be more free,
more connected and more whole.

That's what I'm here to do.

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© Lars Veenstra

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